The Greek Heroic Age, in mythology, is the period between the coming of the Greeks to Thessaly and the Greek return from Troy.[1] It was demarcated as one of the five Ages of Man by Hesiod.[2] The period spans roughly six generations; the heroes denoted by the term are superhuman, though not divine, and are celebrated in the literature of Homer.[1] The Greek heroes can be grouped into an approximate chronology, based on certain events such as of the Argonautic expedition and the Trojan War. Contents [hide] 1 Early heroes 2 Calydonian Boar Hunt 3 Argonauts 4 Generation of Oedipus 5 Generation of the Seven Against Thebes 6 Generation of the Trojan War 7 Generation after the Trojan War 8 References 9 External links Early heroes[edit] Many of the early Greek heroes were descended from the gods, and were part of the founding narratives of various city-states. They also became the ancestors of later heroes. The Phoenician prince Cadmus, was the first Greek hero. The grandson of Poseidon (through his father Agenor), he founded Thebes[3] Perseus, famous for his exploits well before the days of his great-grandson, Heracles,[4] was the son of Zeus. Perseus beheaded the Medusa, saved Andromeda from the sea monster Cetus, and was the legendary founder of Mycenae. Aeacus was also a son of Zeus. Bellerophon was descended from the nymph Orseis. Oenomaus, king of Pisa, in the Peloponnese, was the son of Ares. The excellence of individual warriors was important. Calydonian Boar Hunt[edit] A monstrous boar was sent by Artemis to ravage the region of Calydon in Aetolia because its king neglected to honor her in his rites to the gods. King Oeneus sent messengers seeking the best hunters in Greece, offering them the boar's pelt and tusks as a prize. A number of heroes responded, including Atalanta, Laertes, Meleager, Nestor, Peleus, Phoenix, and Theseus. Argonauts[edit] The myth of Jason and the Golden Fleece is one of the oldest stories of a hero's quest. Jason sailed on the Argo, and those who accompanied him were called the "Argonauts". Their mission was to travel to the kingdom of Colchis, on the Black Sea, to obtain the "Golden Fleece", a symbol of authority and kingship. With it, Jason would become king of Iolcos in Thessaly.[5] Geological studies lend support to the theory that the story relates to placer gold mining in the area of Svaneti in the Southern Caucasus region.[6] The Argonauts: Autolycus Calais Castor and Pollux Echion Euphemus Euryalus Heracles, greatest hero Hylas Idas Idmon Jason Laertes Lynceus Meleager Nestor Oileus Orpheus Peleus Periclymenus Poeas Polyphemus Telamon Theseus Tiphys Zetes Medea Others: Pelops Hippodamia Laius Minos Rhadymanthus Sarpedon Generation of Oedipus[edit] (about two generations before Troy) The story of Oedipus is the basis of a trilogy of plays by Sophocles, however, similar stories have been traced to cultures all over the world.[7] Plisthenes Atreus Thyestes Chrysippus Copreus Oedipus Creon Laodamia Generation of the Seven Against Thebes[edit] (about a generation before Troy) Oedipus places a curse upon his sons Eteocles and Polynices. The underlying theme is the story of the "Seven Against Thebes" is the fulfilment of that curse.[8] Although the brothers had agreed to share the rule of Thebes, when it is time for Eteocles to step aside he refuses, and Polynices brings an army against his beloved city to enforce his claim. In Aeschylus' play the concept of the individual vs. community becomes a central theme. In the Phoenissae (The Phoenician Women), patriotism is a significant theme. Adrastus Amphiaraus Capaneus Hippomedon Parthenopeus Polynices Tydeus Adrastus Creon Megareus Periclymenus Melanippus Polyphontes Hyperbius Actor Lasthenes Antigone Ismene Generation of the Trojan War[edit] See Trojan War and Epigoni Gregory Nagy sees mortality as the "dominant theme in the stories of ancient Greek heroes.[9] In heading for Troy Achilles opts for a short life leaving a memory of immortal renown over a long peaceful one in relative obscurity. Agamemnon Ajax the Great Ajax the Lesser Diomedes Idomeneus Menelaus Odysseus Patroclus Philoctetes Generation after the Trojan War[edit] Orestes Electra Iphigenia Telemachus Neoptolemus Ascanius References[edit] ^ Jump up to: a b Thirlwall, Connop (1845). A history of Greece. 1. Longman, Brown, Green & Longmans. p. 139. Retrieved 25 March 2010. Jump up ^ Hesiod, Works and Days 156–73. Jump up ^ Alden, John B. (1883) The Greek Anthology, pp. 160–162. Jump up ^ Kerenyi, Karl, 1959. The Heroes of the Greeks (London: Thames and Hudson) p. 75. Jump up ^ Wood, Michael. "Jason and the Argonauts", In Search of Myths and Heroes, PBS Jump up ^ Gray, Richard. "Legend of the Golden Fleece was Real", Daily Mail, 27 November 2014 Jump up ^ Boxer, Sarah. "How Oedipus Is Losing His Complex", The New York Times 6 December 1997 Jump up ^ Bellinger, Martha Fletcher. A Short History of the Drama, New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1927 Jump up ^ Nagy, Gregory. Ancient Greek Heroes in 24 Hours, Harvard University Press, 2013 ISBN 9780674075429 External links[edit] Rosenberg, Karen. "Those Greek Heroes, Sometimes Behaving Badly", The New York Times, October 21, 2010