Settlements > Marathon


Marathon is an ancient town in Greece, located in the region of Attica, approximately 42 kilometers (26 miles) northeast of Athens. It is famously known for the Battle of Marathon, which took place in 490 BCE during the first Persian invasion of Greece. This battle is one of the most significant events in ancient Greek history and has left a lasting legacy in both historical and cultural contexts. Here’s an overview of Marathon, its historical significance, geography, key features, and legacy:




Historical Significance

Battle of Marathon:

Impact on Greek and Persian Wars:

Cultural and Historical Legacy:

Key Archaeological Features

Tomb of the Athenians (Marathon Tomb):

Archaeological Museum of Marathon:

Marathon Bay and Battlefield:

Cultural and Historical Impact

Marathon in Greek Culture:

Modern Marathon Race:

Legacy and Modern Relevance

Historical Tourism:

Educational Resource:


In summary, Marathon is an ancient town in Greece renowned for the Battle of Marathon in 490 BCE, a pivotal event in Greek history. The battle demonstrated the effectiveness of Greek military tactics and the resolve of the Greek city-states against the Persian Empire. Key features of Marathon include the Tomb of the Athenians, the Archaeological Museum of Marathon, and the battlefield area. The legacy of Marathon endures in modern culture, particularly through the marathon race, symbolizing endurance and the triumph of human spirit. Today, Marathon remains a vital site for historical tourism, education, and cultural commemoration.


See Herodotus vi. 102–117; W. M. Leake, The Topography of Athens (London, 1841), ii. 203–227; R. W. Macan, Herodotus, iv.-vi. (London, 1895), ii. 149–248; G. B. Grundy, The Great Persian War (London, 1901), pp. 145–194; J. A. Munro in Journal of Hellenic Studies, 1899, pp. 186–197. For the tumulus, Ἀρχαιολογικὸν Δελτίον 1891, pp. 67 sqq. See also Miltiades.

1911 Encyclopædia Britannica, Volume 17. pg. 675.

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