Politics > Apella



The Apella was the principal assembly of citizens in ancient Sparta, playing a crucial role in the political system of the Spartan state. It was one of the key institutions of Spartan governance, alongside the Gerousia (council of elders) and the dual kingship. The Apella was a forum for the citizens of Sparta to express their opinions, vote on important matters, and elect officials.

Key Features of the Apella

  1. Composition:

    • Spartan Citizens: The Apella was composed of full Spartan citizens, known as Spartiates or Homoioi. These were men who had completed their military training in the agoge and maintained their contributions to the common meals (syssitia).
    • Eligibility: Participation was limited to male citizens over the age of 30. Women, non-citizens (such as the perioikoi), and helots (serfs) were excluded from the assembly.
  2. Function and Powers:

    • Decision-Making: The Apella had the authority to make decisions on a range of issues, including matters of war and peace, foreign policy, legislation, and the election of officials.
    • Ratification: It served primarily to ratify decisions made by the Gerousia and the kings. Proposals were first deliberated by the Gerousia and then presented to the Apella for approval or rejection.
    • Elections: The Apella elected members of the Gerousia, the ephors (overseers who had significant political power), and other key officials. This process ensured that major decisions and appointments had the support of the citizenry.
  3. Procedure:

    • Meetings: The Apella met regularly, typically once a month. Meetings were called and presided over by the kings or the ephors.
    • Voting: Voting in the Apella was conducted by acclamation or shouting rather than by secret ballot. The loudest and most numerous acclamations determined the outcome, a method that relied on the judgment of presiding officials to gauge the majority.
    • Debate: Unlike the Athenian Assembly (Ekklesia), the Apella did not engage in open debate. Citizens could listen to the proposals and the arguments presented by the Gerousia and the kings, but they did not engage in extensive public discussion themselves.

Historical Context and Importance

  1. Lycurgan Reforms:

    • Foundation: The Apella was established as part of the reforms attributed to the legendary lawgiver Lycurgus, who is said to have laid the foundations of the Spartan political system. These reforms aimed to balance power among different elements of Spartan society and to ensure stability and order.
    • Checks and Balances: The Apella was part of a system of checks and balances. While the kings and the Gerousia held significant power, the Apella provided a means for the citizenry to participate in governance and to hold leaders accountable.
  2. Role in Spartan Society:

    • Military Focus: The Apella reflected the militaristic nature of Spartan society. Decisions about war, alliances, and military campaigns were central to its functions, emphasizing the importance of collective decision-making in matters of defense and expansion.
    • Social Cohesion: The Apella helped to maintain social cohesion among the Spartan citizenry by involving them in key decisions and reinforcing their sense of duty and participation in the state.

Comparison with Other Greek Assemblies

  1. Athens:

    • Ekklesia: The Athenian Assembly, known as the Ekklesia, was more inclusive, allowing all male citizens over the age of 18 to participate. It was characterized by open debate and direct voting on issues.
    • Democratic Nature: The Ekklesia was a cornerstone of Athenian democracy, emphasizing broad participation and direct involvement in the legislative process.
  2. Sparta:

    • Oligarchic Elements: While the Apella provided a forum for citizen participation, it operated within an oligarchic framework. The real power rested with the Gerousia and the ephors, and the assembly's role was more about ratification than deliberation.
    • Limited Debate: The lack of open debate in the Apella contrasted with the vibrant and often contentious discussions in the Athenian Ekklesia. This difference highlighted the more controlled and disciplined approach of the Spartan political system.

Legacy and Historical Impact

  1. Influence on Governance:

    • Spartan Stability: The Apella contributed to the stability and longevity of the Spartan political system by involving citizens in key decisions and reinforcing the legitimacy of the ruling authorities.
    • Model for Other States: Although unique in many ways, the Spartan system of governance, including the Apella, influenced other Greek city-states and later political thought about mixed government and the role of citizen assemblies.
  2. Cultural Depictions:

    • Historical Records: The Apella is mentioned in various historical records and writings, including those of Herodotus, Thucydides, and Xenophon. These accounts provide valuable insights into its functioning and significance.
    • Modern Interpretations: The Apella continues to be studied and discussed in modern scholarship as part of the broader exploration of ancient Greek political systems and their impact on subsequent political developments.


The Apella was a key institution in ancient Spartan governance, allowing Spartan citizens to participate in important decisions and elections within a highly structured and controlled political system. Its unique characteristics, including limited debate and acclamation voting, reflected the values and priorities of Spartan society. As part of the broader system of checks and balances established by the Lycurgan reforms, the Apella contributed to the stability and cohesion of Sparta, influencing both contemporary and later political thought. The legacy of the Apella remains an important subject of study for understanding the complexities of ancient Greek political systems and their enduring impact.


Greek Politics

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