Politics > Atimia


Atimia (Greek: ἀτιμία) was a form of disenfranchisement or loss of civic rights in ancient Greece, particularly in Athens. It was a significant legal and social penalty that could be imposed for various offenses, effectively rendering the individual a social outcast. Here is a detailed exploration of atimia:

Definition and Concept

Causes and Offenses Leading to Atimia

  1. Political Crimes: Acts of treason, attempting to overthrow the government, or collaborating with enemy forces were severe offenses that could result in atimia.
  2. Failure to Perform Public Duties: Citizens who failed to fulfill their liturgies (public services) or who mishandled public funds might be punished with atimia.
  3. Perjury and False Witness: Giving false testimony or committing perjury in a court of law could lead to atimia.
  4. Moral Offenses: Certain moral offenses, such as cowardice in battle or grave misconduct, could result in this penalty.
  5. Debts to the State: Citizens who owed money to the state or failed to pay fines imposed by the courts could be disenfranchised until the debt was settled.

Consequences of Atimia

Duration and Reversal

Historical Context and Examples

Comparison with Other Penalties

In summary, atimia was a severe form of disenfranchisement in ancient Greece, particularly in Athens, resulting in the loss of civic rights and social standing. It was imposed for various offenses, including political crimes, failure to perform public duties, perjury, and moral misconduct. The consequences of atimia included the loss of political and legal rights, social stigma, and economic impact. This penalty played a crucial role in maintaining civic discipline and integrity in ancient Greek society.


Democracy in the Age of Demosthenes, Mogens Hansen (Oxford 1991)

Greek Politics

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