People > Archytas



Archytas of Tarentum (c. 428 – c. 347 BCE) was a prominent ancient Greek philosopher, mathematician, and statesman. He is best known for his contributions to mathematics, mechanics, and philosophy, as well as his association with the Pythagorean school. Archytas was a contemporary and friend of Plato and influenced both his contemporaries and later generations with his intellectual achievements.

Early Life and Background:

  1. Birthplace and Education:
    • Birth: Archytas was born in Tarentum (modern-day Taranto, Italy), a Greek colony in Magna Graecia (southern Italy).
    • Pythagorean Influence: He was a follower of Pythagorean philosophy, which emphasized mathematics, harmony, and the study of the natural world. Archytas's work was deeply influenced by the teachings of Pythagoras.

Contributions and Achievements:

  1. Mathematics:

    • Geometry and Proportion: Archytas made significant contributions to geometry and the theory of proportions. He is credited with solving the problem of doubling the cube, also known as the Delian problem, by using geometric constructions involving the intersection of curves.
    • Mathematical Influence: His work in mathematics influenced later Greek mathematicians, including Euclid and Eudoxus. Archytas's theories helped lay the groundwork for the development of mathematical rigor and abstraction.
  2. Mechanics and Engineering:

    • Mechanical Devices: Archytas is often regarded as the founder of mathematical mechanics. He is credited with constructing several mechanical devices, including a flying machine known as the "pigeon," which was a model propelled by a jet of steam or compressed air. This device is considered an early example of robotic and aerodynamic principles.
    • Principles of Mechanics: His studies in mechanics and the application of mathematical principles to physical problems were pioneering and laid the foundation for future developments in the field.
  3. Philosophy:

    • Pythagorean Doctrine: As a Pythagorean, Archytas emphasized the importance of mathematics in understanding the cosmos and believed in the harmony of the spheres. His philosophical ideas were aligned with the Pythagorean focus on numerical relationships and their application to natural phenomena.
    • Ethics and Politics: Archytas also wrote about ethics and political philosophy. He believed in the importance of virtue and the role of education in developing moral character. His political thought emphasized the need for wise and just leadership.
  4. Statesmanship:

    • Political Career: Archytas served as a general and statesman in Tarentum. He was elected strategos (general) seven times, an exceptional honor reflecting his leadership abilities and the high regard in which he was held by his fellow citizens.
    • Military Achievements: His leadership helped protect Tarentum from external threats and maintain its stability and prosperity during his tenure.

Legacy and Influence:

  1. Influence on Plato:

    • Friendship with Plato: Archytas was a close friend of Plato, and their correspondence and interactions influenced Plato's work. Archytas's emphasis on mathematics and mechanics resonated with Plato's philosophical inquiries.
    • Plato's Visits: It is believed that Plato visited Tarentum and was hosted by Archytas, further strengthening their intellectual bond.
  2. Impact on Later Thinkers:

    • Hellenistic Science: Archytas's work in mathematics and mechanics influenced later Hellenistic scientists, including Archimedes and Hero of Alexandria. His pioneering efforts in applying mathematical principles to mechanical problems set a precedent for future innovation.
    • Philosophical Legacy: His contributions to ethics, politics, and philosophy were part of the broader Pythagorean tradition, which continued to influence Greek thought and Western philosophy.
  3. Mathematical and Mechanical Innovations:

    • Doubling the Cube: Archytas's solution to the problem of doubling the cube was a significant mathematical achievement. His method using intersecting curves was a creative application of geometric principles.
    • Early Robotics: The "flying pigeon" is considered an early attempt at creating an autonomous machine, showcasing Archytas's ingenuity and understanding of mechanical principles.


Archytas of Tarentum was a multifaceted intellectual whose contributions to mathematics, mechanics, philosophy, and politics left a lasting legacy. His innovative work in geometry and mechanics, combined with his philosophical insights and political leadership, made him a key figure in ancient Greek thought. Archytas's influence extended beyond his lifetime, impacting both his contemporaries and future generations of mathematicians, engineers, and philosophers.


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