People > Timotheus of Miletus

Timotheus of Miletus


Timotheus of Miletus was a significant figure in the history of ancient Greek music and poetry, flourishing in the late 5th and early 4th centuries BCE. He was renowned for his innovations in the musical and poetic forms of his time, particularly in the development of the dithyramb and the citharodic nomos.

Key Aspects of Timotheus of Miletus

  1. Innovative Musician and Poet:

    • Timotheus is best known for his contributions to the evolution of Greek music and poetry. He was a citharode, a performer who sang epic poetry to the accompaniment of the cithara, a type of lyre. His innovations in musical composition and performance style marked a departure from the more traditional forms of the time.
  2. Dithyramb and Citharodic Nomos:

    • He played a crucial role in transforming the dithyramb, a choral hymn sung in honor of Dionysus, into a more complex and expressive musical form. Timotheus introduced new rhythms, scales, and instrumental techniques that expanded the emotional and dramatic range of the dithyramb. He also contributed to the citharodic nomos, a type of narrative song performed with the cithara, enhancing its artistic complexity.
  3. Notable Works:

    • One of Timotheus' most famous works is "The Persians," a dithyramb that celebrated the Greek victory over the Persians at the Battle of Salamis. This piece exemplified his innovative approach to music and poetry, combining vivid narrative with intricate musical composition.
  4. Controversial Figure:

    • Timotheus was a somewhat controversial figure due to his break from traditional musical norms. Some contemporaries and later critics viewed his innovations as excessive and overly elaborate. However, his supporters praised him for his creativity and the emotional power of his music.
  5. Influence and Legacy:

    • Despite the controversies, Timotheus had a lasting impact on the development of Greek music and poetry. His innovations influenced later musicians and poets, contributing to the rich tradition of Greek artistic expression. His work is considered an important precursor to the more elaborate musical and theatrical forms that developed in the Hellenistic period.
  6. Surviving Fragments:

    • Only fragments of Timotheus' work have survived to the present day, but these pieces provide valuable insights into his style and contributions. The extant fragments highlight his sophisticated use of language, rhythm, and musical structure.


Timotheus of Miletus is remembered as a pioneering figure who pushed the boundaries of Greek music and poetry. His efforts to enhance the expressive potential of these art forms left a significant mark on the cultural landscape of ancient Greece. His legacy lives on through the influence he had on subsequent generations of musicians and poets, who continued to explore and expand the artistic possibilities he had unlocked.


V. Strazzulla, Persiani di Eschilo ed il nomo di Timoteo (1904); S. Sudhaus in Rhein. Mus., iviii. (1903), p. 481; and T. Reinach and M. Croiset in Revue des etudes grecques, xvi. (1903), pp. 62, 323.

Claude V. Palisca, Nancy Kovaleff Baker, Barbara Russano Hanning, Musical humanism and its legacy: essays in honor of Claude V.

Palisca, Pendragon Press, 1992, p.37. See also David A. Campbell, Greek Lyric, vol. 5, Harvard University Press (Loeb) 1993; J. H. Hordern, The Fragments of Timotheus of Miletus, Oxford University Press, 2002.

Encyclopædia Britannica (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press.

English translation of the Persians by J. M. Edmonds.

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