People > Protagoras



Protagoras of Abdera (c. 490 – c. 420 BCE) was a preeminent Greek philosopher and sophist, renowned for his contributions to philosophy, rhetoric, and education. He is often regarded as the most famous of the sophists, a group of itinerant teachers and intellectuals who were influential in ancient Greece during the 5th century BCE. Protagoras is best known for his assertion that "man is the measure of all things," which highlights his relativistic approach to knowledge and truth.

Key Aspects of Protagoras' Life and Work

  1. Early Life and Background:

    • Protagoras was born in Abdera, a city in Thrace. Little is known about his early life, but he eventually traveled to Athens, where he gained prominence as a sophist and intellectual.
  2. Sophism and Teaching:

    • As a sophist, Protagoras was a professional educator who charged fees for his instruction. He taught subjects such as rhetoric, grammar, and virtue, emphasizing practical skills and effective argumentation. His methods focused on the power of language and persuasion in achieving success in public and private life.
  3. Philosophical Relativism:

    • Protagoras is best known for his relativistic view of knowledge and truth. His famous statement, "Man is the measure of all things: of the things that are, that they are, and of the things that are not, that they are not," suggests that truth and reality are relative to each individual's perception. According to Protagoras, there are no objective truths; rather, what is true for one person may not be true for another.
    • This relativism extended to morality and ethics, where Protagoras argued that what is considered right or wrong varies between cultures and individuals.
  4. Agnosticism and Theology:

    • Protagoras expressed agnostic views regarding the existence of gods. In his work "On the Gods," he famously stated, "Concerning the gods, I have no means of knowing whether they exist or not, nor of what sort they may be; the obscurity of the subject, and the brevity of human life, make such knowledge impossible." This statement highlights his skepticism and the limitations of human knowledge.
  5. Rhetoric and Debate:

    • Protagoras was a master of rhetoric and dialectic, teaching his students how to argue both sides of any given issue. This skill was highly valued in the democratic context of Athens, where effective speaking and persuasion were essential for political and legal success.
    • He emphasized the importance of debate and dialogue in discovering truth and resolving disputes, a practice that influenced later philosophical methods, including Socratic dialogue.
  6. Influence and Legacy:

    • Protagoras' teachings and ideas had a significant impact on contemporary and later thinkers. Although Socrates and Plato criticized the sophists for their relativism and perceived lack of concern for objective truth, Protagoras' emphasis on rhetoric and practical wisdom left a lasting mark on the development of Western philosophy and education.
    • His ideas on relativism and the nature of knowledge continued to be debated by philosophers, contributing to discussions on epistemology and ethics.

Major Works


Protagoras of Abdera was a pioneering sophist and philosopher whose relativistic views on knowledge and truth challenged traditional notions of objectivity and absolute reality. His famous dictum, "Man is the measure of all things," encapsulates his belief that human perception and experience shape our understanding of the world. Through his teachings on rhetoric, debate, and practical wisdom, Protagoras influenced the intellectual landscape of ancient Greece and left a lasting legacy in the fields of philosophy and education. Despite facing criticism from some contemporaries, his ideas continue to provoke thought and discussion in the study of epistemology and ethics.


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